Opis produktu: Buddhism and Meaning: Comparative Assessment of Buddhist Views on Cognition, Meaning, and Language
Buddhism and Meaning: Comparative Assessment of Buddhist Views on Cognition, Meaning, and Language
EN: Introduction: Purpose * Religious Significance of Language and Meaning * Research Problems and Limits of the Study * Methodological Considerations * Thick Description * The Paradigm Theory * The Purpucs of the Work Revisited * Edtiional Notes. TOWARDS A BUDDHIST THEORY OF MEANING: FOUR SCHOOLS OF TENETS: Vaibhashika: Introduction * Historical Background * Mode of Presentation * Matter * Momentariness * The Structure of Particles * Consciousness * Sense Consciousness and Perception * The Genesis of Sense Perception * Sense Objects * Faculties * Sense Consciousness * Engagement of Objects * Direct Realism and Phenomenalism * Theory of Perception in India * Perception and Universals * Mental Consciousness * Mental Faculty * Mental Perception * Conception * Universals * Antirealism and its Varieties: Nominalism and Conceptualism * Mistaken Character of Conception * Inference * Negative Character of Conception * Concept-Formation * Evaluation * Language * Equivalence of Conception and Language * Philosophy of Language in India * Conventionality * Primary Locus of Meaning * Theory of Signs * Ineffability and Reference * Conclusion * Mental Factors * Conclusion.