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Foreign Direct Investment of Polish Companies


Foreign Direct Investment of Polish Companies

Cena: 9.49 zł

Opis produktu: Foreign Direct Investment of Polish Companies
Foreign Direct Investment of Polish Companies

This book [...] is an empirically-based analysis of the foreigl direct investment actMty of Polish companies. The book offers'' a fresh perspective on foreign direct investment (FDI) and Poland. Rather than dealing with capital inflows into Poland, the book examines capital outflows in the form of foreign direct investment. This theme nas received relatively little research attention and, as such, the book should be considered an original and welcome scientific contribution relating to the Polish economy. Moreover, given both the rapid growth of foreign direct investment by Polish companies and its projected growth, the book is highly topical [...]. It provides a wide rangę of insights into the motivations, concerns and behaviours of Polish entrepreneurs investing abroad. The book forms a valuable resource for those involved in making foreign investment decisions. It also offers a useful resource for those engaged in the teaching and research of foreign investment.

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