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The Legendary Adventures of Alexander the Great - Praca zbiorowa


The Legendary Adventures of Alexander the Great - Praca zbiorowa

Cena: 17.58 zł

Opis produktu: The Legendary Adventures of Alexander the Great - Praca zbiorowa
The Legendary Adventures of Alexander the Great - Praca zbiorowa

He was destined to rule the world. A prince is born under a star of good fortune. It is prophesied that he will become the greatest king of all time. Alexander grows up to fulfil this destiny - powerful as a lion, skilled in the art of war and leader of a vast army. Soon his fame sweeps the world as he builds a mighty empire, conquering all who stand in his way. But this is not enough for the young warrior. Alexander will not rest until he has defeated his mortal enemy, the King of Persia.

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