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Worlds In The Making


Worlds In The Making

Cena: 61.50 zł

Opis produktu: Worlds In The Making
Worlds In The Making

Worlds in the making Constructivism and Postmodern Knowledge. Preface, Constructivism in Language Sciences and Education: Zdzisław W ąsik: Investigative Perspectives in the Construction of Scientific Reality: An Epistemological Outlook on the Foundations of Linguis tic Semiotics; Przemysław Żywiczyński: Constructivism in Indian Philosophy of Language; Tomasz Fojt: The Role of Figurative Language in the Construction of Knowledge; Waldemar Skrzypczak: Alternate Construals, Duals and Selective Projections in Meaning Constructio n; Elżbieta Wąsik: Linguistic Properties of Communicating Individuals in the Construction of Intersubjective World of Meanings; Kata rzyna Molek-Kozakowska: Constructivist Influences in the Practice of Contestation: A Study of the Beat Generation Anti-Language; Agn ieszka Nowicka: Construing the Foreigner Identity in the Intercultural Interviews; Monika Linke: Constructing Meaning in the Process of Translation.
  • author: Edyta Lorek-Jezińska, Katarzyna Więckowska, Teresa Siek-Piskozub

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